Tuesday, October 30, 2012

DIY: The Lady Gaga Skeleton Make-up

Halloween is fast approaching and it will not be complete without some spooky celebration. Companies, neighborhoods, and even malls are throwing out Halloween parties where everyone is entitled to dress up with their "horrific" yet cool costumes and make-ups.

This year was my first-time to organize and attend a company Halloween party. Since I'm not into spending money for an expensive costume (now you know that I'm a bit kuripot. haha), I chose Lady Gaga's skeleton-inspired make-up from her music video "Born this Way" as my character for the party. Using only black liquid eye liner and eye shadow to my face, here's what I look like. Thanks to my office buddy Mina for making this possible!

Want to achieve this look? Here's what you'll need:
1. Liquid eye liner (4ml will suffice)
2. Black eye shadow
3. Corporate attire/tuxedo
4. Wig (if you want an authentic the lady Gaga look). But you can just ponytail your hair on one side to look "horribly gorgeous". haha.  

For complete instructions how to achieve this look, click HERE. More related videos are posted on YouTube.

Happy Halloween! :)

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